And here the remarkable thing is that virtually nothing has changed since ancient times, and we just have corrected the Ancient vedas, which have been suggested to increase Female of the Strength of these forms accessible...

Trust him!
Sports that improve the feminine Force
1. The massage. The vedas say: the body of the woman incredibly grateful touch. You must knead, disperse the energy, otherwise it will be pressuring the woman from the inside, causing diseases.
2. The relationship with married friends. If you want to marry, take a little of the Energy of the family. This is a very valuable and noble energy. Many refuse to joint meetings with married friends and completely in vain. Save that energy, if it is possible.
3. Nails. And the men agree — manicure transforms women of the hand, their eager to kiss. As well as it is considered that the energy of prosperity and the beauty that comes along with the red varnish.
4. The relationship with other women. No energy exchange will not strengthen your. The man needs silence, to become aware of itself. The woman better understands their feelings and concerns, only in contact with his fellow men.
5. A long conversation. Of course, the men take to the futility. But since without it, the splash of the accumulated energy of expression and thought, you will arrive directly at the man. And it hurts both of you.
6. A walk. The woman only has the obligation to go out to the street. the relationship with nature and the world around us will only strengthen the position of guardian of the home.
7. Of the meditation. Any relaxation of the practice will be of great help to the woman to regain strength. The most useful for meditation before sleep and in the middle of the nature.
8. Of the dance. Any of the entertainment options of this will strengthen the sexuality and feminine essence. Keep in mind dance, arab or latino.
9. Hair. Laying, change the style, which not only lifted the morale. Of ancient india gives female hair great paper. They are the reflection of the thoughts and internal state.
10. Of a book. To read about the strange travel destinations — best known to her. Read the story of the life of other people.
11. Of the planning. Any of incompleteness, hesitation, and doubt — are harmful to women. As would be ironic, nor sounded, but of course the plan are the best way to help conserve your energy. Even in the small things! Start with them, then spend the months and years to come.
12. Picnics. Be sure to bring your friends! Here the energy is going to recover at various levels.
13. The club of young mothers. The exchange of experiences and the exchange of energy. Because the Moon — protects mothers, and their energy exclusively to the woman.
14. Romantic movies. To explain is not necessary. Call your friend in the guests!
15. Clothing. Not only beautiful dresses to the output, but also at home! Don't forget to wear home.
16. Feeding the birds, the animals. It is very easy this way to increase your energy. Feeder for birds. The purchase of the home of the canary islands, which, by the way, helps the family and the happiness.
17. Photos. Do not hesitate to enjoy them and mark the best shots!
18. Sexy selectivity. Several members of the doom you in the desolation. Keep the fidelity. Therefore, to seduce a man — they require a lot of energy, and it's not worth spending your premature sex.
19. The compliments. She and the other women. Sincerely, the good word will make you stronger. If you are not able to say something nice, try to resolve this issue. The rejection of other women gives complications in your life.
20. Tenderness. The weasel will help you to learn and understand.
21. Attention and surprises for no reason. Greeting cards, flowers, candy... the Woman should give. Give — full.
22. The dignity. Of vedas, you are the most wonderful thing that could have been created by the creator. Let us note its charm and beautiful features.
23. The music. Listen to music you need on a daily basis. Meditative, classical, just the one that you like. Take the habit to include music, for example, in the morning a cup of the herbal drink. It is very well if you are going to sound like a mantra.
24. Toilet, bath with rose petals, oils. It is not the same and need! Donated the smallness of your body, You'll be amazed of its own radiance of your birth, and the excellent state of mind.

25. The lessons of singing. Singing clears the throat chakra, and we already don't want to laugh, to criticise the men. In sparta in ancient times one of the compliments to women were the words of "she is like a song".
26. The visit to a psychologist. But make sure you woman! Wise, experienced, the woman can help you see the situation in another way, to understand her. The wisdom is transmitted from older women. For this same reason, it is helpful to communicate with their grandmothers, grandmothers.
27. Yoga. The practice of yoga calms the mind and gives strength. It is desirable to develop women, and married. The man, the coach teaches only load the body of energy to share, you can not, just because he is a man.
28. The care of the plants. A small garden of the house or of the garden — an additional method to stock up on the energy of the feminine. Flowering, growth is all a reflection of the female energy.
29. Assistance. The provision of someone to support or help request. Learn to reject the principle of "I", because it is the typical male principle.
30. The request for the help of men. Any manifestation of concern makes us female. Pass the experiment and ask a stranger to help deliver the bag. The mood up 100%!
31. The separation with someone domestic responsibilities. With courage, trust in a case nearby.
The house is not simply an apartment in which we live. With the house of the woman, there is a strong power of communication. Therefore, it is so annoying how the door or the faucet. For women is not only the defects, through these "holes" is derived the feminine energy.
But it is precisely in such trifles, it is sometimes important that the man not to bother. Why? The man thinks big: "I have here would be useless all the tile in the bathroom, then the new will. That ten times the fat of the wall!". Sometimes it is easier to hire a person who fix small defects. Only do not forget to say to my husband that you have made realize that he is very busy, and not because he had the hands grow not from that place. Men's self-esteem is very vulnerable.
32. Gala dinner or a dinner with candles, a beautiful tablecloth and gourmet dishes. It turns out that everything we do this even more themselves, while we want to raise the tone of your beloved. Make those magical moments in life. Please yourself and your loved ones
33. The acting classes. The woman lives in the world of the emotions. Losing different roles in the scenario not only can you better understand yourself, but to get rid of a backlog of aggression or share the joy.
34. The make-up and taking care of yourself. This is not a way of liking to the man, and in the first place the delivery of the joy of itself. Therefore, out of the house, it is important to do hair, wear clothes and look good.
35. Skirts and dresses. Such clothing retrieves the connection with the energy of nature by the female line. There is a rule of not wearing the pants in the first 7 (!) the visits, in the event that if you really want to seduce a man. It is established that continuous use of pants negatively affects women's bodies.
36. The care of the children. Not to mention in the help of a married friend to play with the child. Any manifestation of concern for women is the way to Power. The important thing is not to consider as to a male child.
37. The study of a new culture. Contributes to the extension of the conception of the world and enables the woman is not limited in the inner world. The female energy tends to expand, it is necessary to reduce its artificially.
38. Physical loading. If you felt the decrease in strength, begin to learn a new sport. This can be not only a new type of exercise, but only in the morning running. Are very useful the dances! A great way to recover.
39. Demolition debris. The old things, junk and trash weaken the power of the woman. If life has started a difficult period — it is time debris.
40. Poetry. The reading of the verses help to reveal the romantic side to your "I". Do not hesitate to write their poems. Beautiful syllable taught well to speak and think properly.
41. The visit to the museum or exhibition. All beautiful makes women more beautiful.
42. A daily basis. Every day write down your thoughts, desires, goals. Can be glued in the journal of images, or draw them themselves. Your feelings are important! Therefore, it is important to record. Accumulating the energy of emotions in and of itself, the woman was forced to pull it to a man, which in and of itself is not very good. In addition, the entry of the thoughts that facilitates its analysis.
43. The definition of desires. Determined for the same desire: that you want to in reality, especially in relationships.
And forget the "I can". I is the prerogative of the Men. The man says: I can conquer, I can take your wife (or can't). When a woman begins to many to think of in the style of "I can", becomes the man. Compare: "I want to stay well. I want to like it. I want to marry" and "I see well, I can taste, I can marry."
44. Obedience. Disputes, competition and other aspects of the active behaviour decreases the level of energy. Try to be gentle and diplomatic. For this reason, the conquest of the men are very exhausted women.
45. The purity. Keep clean your dwelling, with your body and your mind. Time to get the hell out of the house. There will be negative memories of the past. The easiest way to increase the energy — to stand under the shower. The purity brings Power.
46. The decorative art and applied creativity. Knitting, embroidery, modeling: everything you can make with your own hands, raises the level of your feminine energy.
47. The expression of love in any form, at any time. To hug, kiss favorites. Say words of love to the world, to people, to their things: the sun, the spring breeze, the rain and even in their sadness, because she is your teacher. Any rejection and struggle decimates the woman.
48. With proper nutrition. Use the products that were subject to less manipulation and close to nature. Remember, what power gives the apple, tearing in the garden? And any burger. Sensations very different.

49. Stay alone with them. Don't be intimidated by those moments when you're completely alone. Do not rush to get married just for the solitude. Take advantage of this time to take care of yourself. Nature placed monthly period when the woman must think only of ourselves (menstruation).
50. Learn how to work with the energy of the moon. Waiting in the street, in the light of the moon, upload the lightning moles of water, and add then in the bathroom. Contact with the moon helps in the ailments.
51. Of the charity. It is in its most pure expression of feminine energy. If you can help the person, do it.
52. The aromas. You should always emanate an aura of pleasant aroma. The woman is the flower. The purchase of a new perfume and the choice of the fragrance enhances the feminine energy.
53. Composition of bouquets. Working with colors gives the load of a new force, the upgrade and flowering.
54. With a loving voice. Learn to communicate without aggression and pressure. The feminine energy blooms from a couple of tender words, spoken by you. Insults, swear words reduce the energy of the feminine.
55. Sources of water. The rest on the river, the lake, the sea is a great way to raise the level of your energy.
Water is the basis of the sexuality of women and their abilities to be harmonious, adaptable to the circumstances, or the opposite of turbulent.In the ancient temples of aphrodite young priestesses necessarily taught to swim and communicate with the water element.
56. The waiving of complex topics for reflection and negotiation. The woman it is helpful to be frivolous and think about trivial things. The role of the girls gives to the young audience. In particular, this issue is important to the business woman. Try to leave things at work and not bring to the house.